
Real Options Abortion Recovery


1 in 4 women will have an abortion by the time they reach 45.

Are you troubled by a past abortion? You are not alone and Real Options is here to help!

Whether you experienced abortion recently or many years ago, you can find non-judgmental and compassionate care through our small groups or one-on-one sessions. For more information, contact us below. All contacts are confidential.


Upcoming Dates

please check back as we are adding dates for 2024

January 7, 2024 Unraveled Roots (6 week, in-person)

February 20, 2024 FSF (10-week) Weekly Bible Study

February 29 - March 3, 2024 FSF Weekend Retreat

August 20, 2024 FSF Weekly Bible Study (in partnership with CityBridge)

October 3-6, 2024 FSF Weekend Retreat

TBA Fall 2024 Unraveled Roots


About our programs


Unraveled Roots

Do you find yourself making the same destructive choices over and over again? This group will help expose the lies you believe about yourself, as well as other damaging behaviors and mindsets that you may not even realize are painful and limiting. We offer this study in a virtual or in-person weekly format for six weeks. Unraveled Roots is a resource from Supportafterabortion.com

Forgiven and Set Free

Forgiven and Set Free is a Bible study for women who have had one or more abortions. Thousands of women have found this study to be vital in helping them experience lasting spiritual healing. Topics include relief and denial, anger, overcoming guilt and shame, and how to walk in forgiveness and find true healing. We offer this study in a weekend retreat or weekly (lasts 10 weeks) format. All contacts are confidential. Forgiven and Set Free is written by Linda Cochrane.

One on One

Don’t feel like you are ready for our group sessions? Just want to talk to someone who has been through some of the same abortion experiences? Reach out to us. We are here to listen. We can also refer for professional counseling.

Keys to Hope and Healing

If you have been affected by an abortion, there are a many emotions and experiences that you may go through. This group can help you know you are not alone and that there is hope and healing available. We offer this study in a virtual or in-person weekly format for 7 weeks. Keys to Hope and Healing is a joint resource from The Word Among Us Partners and Supportafterabortion.com.


All contacts are confidential